If you’re looking to convert 70 kilograms (kg) to pounds (lbs), it’s easy. Just use the conversion factor of approximately 2.20462. Converting kilograms to pounds (kg to lbs) is as simp ...
Expert Civil Latest Articles
mm to cm – Convert Millimeters into Centimeters

Converting millimeters to centimeters has never been easier with our online mm to cm calculator. Quickly and accurately convert any value in millimeters to centimeters with just a few clicks. Milli ...
How Many Liters in a Gallon of Water?

Fluids are measured using different units of measurement around the world. In the United States, people typically use gallons to measure liquids, while in other countries, liters are more commonly ...
mm to meter – Convert Millimeters to Meters (Calculator)

Converting millimeters to meters has never been easier with our online mm to meter calculator. Quickly and accurately convert any value in millimeters to meters with just a few clicks. Â Millimeter ...
CM to Inches – Convert Centimeter to Inches Calculator

CM to Inches Calculator is a simple and easy-to-use online tool that will help you convert centimeters (CM) to inches (in). It is an essential tool for anyone who needs to know measurements quickly ...
How many yards in a ton of Gravel, Sand, Cement, Rock, Asphalt, Mulch and Limestone

What does a yard means? People are asking about “How many yards in a ton?” frequently. Yard is basically a unit length which equals to 3 feet to be precise it measures down to 0.9144 m. ...