Biofuels have made great strides in the past few decades and are now an essential part of our energy mix. However, there is still much work to be done if they are going to become a truly sustainab ...
Expert Civil Latest Articles
Infiltration gallery – Uses, Construction, Formula and Difference between infiltration gallery and infiltration well

What is an infiltration gallery? An infiltration gallery is the source of water at the subsurface level used as a water supply system. Its structure looks like a horizontal drain that is situated b ...
Rainwater Harvesting System – Types | Uses | Advantages & Disadvantages | Importance | Objectives of Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a process of collecting the water rather than flowing it off. It can be collected in any place like the roof, ground, or any area that is on top of the ground. The main aim ...
14 Methods of Solid Waste Disposal and Management

Solid Waste Disposal and Management Improper removal of city strong waste can make unsanitary conditions, and these conditions can prompt contamination of the climate and flare-ups of vector-borne ...
Effects of Blasting on Environment

Effects of Blasting on Environment Blasting is a common technique for civil engineering applications such as mining, tunneling and removing bedrock outcropping for building and highway construction ...