Flow Table Test The flow table test is used to measure the flow and workability of the concrete by using a flow table, it is a method to determine the consistency of fresh concrete. Flow Table Test ...
Expert Civil Latest Articles
(Three) 3-Point Bend Test of Concrete and Beam

Introduction The (three) 3-point bend test is conducted on flexural members of the structure such as the beam. A beam is a flexural member that is subjected to bending on the application of load. C ...
Flakiness and Elongation Index Test for Aggregate

Elongation Index is defined as the percentage of the weight of retained aggregate on different sets (sets which represent 7 gaps of different sizes) on elongation or length gauge to the total weigh ...
Complete Guide on Consistency of Cement | Procedure | Calculation | Vicat Apparatus Test

What is the consistency of cement? Consistency of cement is defined as the term which is used to indicate the degree of fluidity or degree of mobility of cement or else it’s defined as the amount o ...
Vee Bee Test – Its Principle, Apparatus, Procedure & Precautions

What is the Vee Bee Consistometer Test? The Vee Bee test is performed to find out the workability of concrete. Workability depends on the flexibility, stability of concrete, and how much concrete i ...
Silt Content Test for Sand

What is a Silt Content Test for Sand? The test is performed to determine the percentage of the silt present in the sand is known as the Silt content test. Silt is a fine material whose size is less ...
What is a Slump Test | Its Principle | Procedure | Shapes | Factors, Apparatus & Standards

What is a Slump Test? A quick test termed the slump test could be used to determine how easy it is to work with concrete. In construction sites, the Slump cone test is a basic and traditional metho ...