What is Symons rain gauge? Symons rain gauge: The non-recording type gauge mostly used in the world is Symon’s gauge. Non-recording gauges don’t record the rain but only collect the rain. Once the ...
Expert Civil Latest Articles
End Bearing Pile : Calculation, Advantages & Disdvantages

Definition: End bearing piles are a type of pile that works on the base of the mechanism of load transfer through the bottom tip of the pile itself. It means that it is used to transfer superstruct ...
Furrow Irrigation Method – Types, Uses, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is furrow irrigation? A Furrow irrigation system is a surface irrigation system. In this method, furrows are developed in rows during the planting and cultivation process in which gravity play ...
Bull’s Trench Kiln – Difference Between Bull’s Trench Kiln and Hoffman’s Kiln

Bull’s Trench Kiln Bull’s trench kiln is usually of rectangular, circular, or oval plan shape. These are constructed below the ground level by excavating a trench of the required width for th ...