Structural Audit Definition A structural audit is an inspection of a building. It is done to check the overall health and performance check-up of a building. For a 15 to 30 years old building, the ...
Expert Civil Latest Articles
Why Jersey Barrier is Your New Smart Barricade?

Recently, the Jersey Barrier has become a popular choice for traffic management. There are many reasons why these barriers are gaining popularity, but there is one thing they all have in common ...
Procedure of Rock Salt Finish Concrete Surface

Salt finish concrete Salt finish concrete: It is a surface finishing concrete work in which the surface of the concrete surface is embedded with salt crystals. The salt crystals are embedded into t ...
Complete Guide on Wall Putty with Advantages and Disadvantages of Wall Putty

What is wall putty Wall putty is a white cement substance that is mainly used to even out the wall surface and make a leveled surface for further coats of paints. Putty helps to feel small cracks, ...
What is Carpet Area | Built-Up Area | Super-Built-Up Area & Plinth Area with Calculation, Formula & Differences

What is a Carpet Area? The carpet area is the area between wall to wall. Here the thickness of the wall doesn’t include because as mentioned it is the distance between wall to wall. A carpet area c ...
Meaning of 1 Unit Electricity : Calculation of Power Consumption

1 unit electricity means that the total power of 1 kW means 1000 watts consumed by the electrical appliances for one hour. It means that if any appliances of rating 1Kw operate for an hour then the ...
What is Chemical Earthing | Advantages | Materials Used | Cost & Procedure of Chemical Earthing

What is Chemical Earthing? Chemical earthing is very much different from normal earthing. In normal earthing, we use salt and charcoal for transferring charge into the earth using electrodes or pla ...
How to Plan and Implement Digitization in the Construction Business? The Complete Guide

When a construction company seeks to create more efficient processes that minimize bottlenecks, the talk about digitalization for processes typically gets tossed around the meeting table. This talk ...
What is Isolated Footing, Its Types, Shapes, Designs, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is Isolated footing? Individual columns are supported by the isolated footing. They might be steeped or have projections in the concrete foundation. Steel reinforcement is given in both direct ...
Complete Guide on White Cement

Introduction to white cement White or grey cement is used to make various colored cement. As a foundation, Portland cement is utilized. The use of white cement as a foundation is expensive. Only re ...