Soil is a very precious natural resource for every human being, animals, plants, and other microorganisms. Soil is a mixture of stone particles and organic substances. The particles of soil are evo ...
Expert Civil Latest Articles
Complete Guide on Grades of Concrete

Today, we will discuss grades of concrete, concrete mix ratios, uses, and many other things related to grades of concrete. First, let me tell you what you mean by the word concrete. Concrete Meanin ...
Working on roofs: Ensure Safety with a Good Roof Access System

Construction and building maintenance are some of the most dangerous works, especially when working on the roof. A significant amount of life risk from falls from high altitudes always remains as s ...
What is Scaffolding? Components, Types and Construction of Scaffolding

What is Scaffolding? When the height of the wall or other structural member of the building exceeds about 1.50 m a temporary structure, usually of timber planks and bamboos, is erected close to the ...
The Benefits of Having a Steel Home

You have numerous choices when building a home. You’re tasked with picking every detail. The equivalent goes for when you’re looking for a new home. It’s dependent upon you to dis ...
What is 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK in Apartment

In this article we are going to discuss all about the BHK, like: define BHK, BHK full form, what is bhk in apartment and how is BHK calculated. Define BHK The term ‘BHK’ generally refer ...
Difference Between PERT & CPM with Examples

Difference Between PERT and CPM PERT and CPM are most important methods in Project Management, In this article we will discuss difference between PERT and CPM with examples, PERT and CPM full form, ...
Retaining Wall Its Design, Types & Definition

What is retaining wall? Retaining wall is constructed on ground to resist pressure of soil acting laterally due to change in ground elevation that would exceed soils angle of response with ground.R ...
Planning and Site Preparation for Concrete

Planning and Site Preparation Today we will discuss about the planning and site preparation for concrete. But 1st we have to understand what planning is; and what is the need of planning and site p ...
Classification of buildings based on occupancy

Classification of buildings based on occupancy As we know that, a building may be classified based on different parameters like occupancy, load transfer in the structure, materials used, degree of ...