While walking or driving on roads you might have seen different signs and markings which are drawn on the roads, which provide some information. The markings guide pedestrians and even help in cont ...
Expert Civil Latest Articles
3 Types of Floating Floor – Installation, Advantages & Disadvantages

What Is a Floating Floor? A floating floor is a flooring installation method not used for nailing or gluing to the subfloor. Instead, it is a special type of flooring called a Sprung floor, used to ...
Grouting vs Vitrification – Properties, Materials and Processes

“Grouting vs Vitrification” is a comparison of two methods used for filling gaps. Typically used to fill gaps, grout is made out of cement, sand, water, and/or additives. They are utili ...
Mud Flooring – Characteristics, Materials, Advantages & Disadvantages

Curious to know about Mud Flooring? The flooring process is one of the most important steps in finishing the house. Nowadays, fine flooring is in demand for construction projects. We have already d ...
What is a Culvert – Its Types, Definition, Uses, Materials and Location

Definition of Culvert Culvert is a tunnel that can provide a way of a bridge to traffic so they can pass on it. It carries a natural flow under the road or railway line. What is a culvert for drain ...
What is Chemical Earthing | Advantages | Materials Used | Cost & Procedure of Chemical Earthing

What is Chemical Earthing? Chemical earthing is very much different from normal earthing. In normal earthing, we use salt and charcoal for transferring charge into the earth using electrodes or pla ...
Factors Affecting Selection Of Construction Material

We are here to discuss about the factors affecting selection of construction material. What are the factors affecting site selection? Before moving ahead with the topic, it is very pertinent for an ...