Introduction The (three) 3-point bend test is conducted on flexural members of the structure such as the beam. A beam is a flexural member that is subjected to bending on the application of load. C ...
Expert Civil Latest Articles
Flakiness and Elongation Index Test for Aggregate

Elongation Index is defined as the percentage of the weight of retained aggregate on different sets (sets which represent 7 gaps of different sizes) on elongation or length gauge to the total weigh ...
Compaction Factor Test of Concrete

Compaction factor test procedure The apparatus is kept on the ground and grease is applied to the inner surface of the cylinders The cylinder’s weight is marked as W1, and the cylinder is con ...
Shrinkage and Plastic Limit of Soil – Shrinkage Limit Test, Formula & Apparatus

Shrinkage limit of soil When moisture is gradually decreased from the soil it shrinks. The shrinkage stops with no further volume change when an equilibrium is reached and that stage is called shri ...
Plate Load Test – Its Procedure, Limitations, Advantages & Precautions

Plate Load Test The plate load test is performed in the field to find out the bearing capacity of the soil or how it can be settled at each increment under the given load. This test is really usefu ...
Vee Bee Test – Its Principle, Apparatus, Procedure & Precautions

What is the Vee Bee Consistometer Test? The Vee Bee test is performed to find out the workability of concrete. Workability depends on the flexibility, stability of concrete, and how much concrete i ...
Silt Content Test for Sand

What is a Silt Content Test for Sand? The test is performed to determine the percentage of the silt present in the sand is known as the Silt content test. Silt is a fine material whose size is less ...
What is Stub Column | Its Purposes | Advantages | Disadvantages and Stub Column vs Floating Column

What is Stub Column? A stub column is a type of column whose length is short and baseless which means do not have a foundation and footing as its rests on a beam or slab. It acts as a point load on ...
Brard’s Test on stones

Brard’s Test on stones This is carried out to know the behavior of stone against frost action. That’s is why this is also known as frost test. Procedure: In this test few pieces of stone specimen a ...